Thursday, June 11, 2009

9th Grade...

I totally was not looking forward to my Freshman year at the end of 8Th grade. But now in June, I am! I wasn't looking forward to next year for a few reasons: 1- i didn't make the Precision Dance Company 2- i signed up to be a student aide for a teacher for ALL year and i wasn't looking forward to that for certain reasons and three, it was another year in dumb Junior High, and more EXTREME drama:/ Which i absolutely hated.
Now, I am
totally looking forward to it! I have realized that even though i didn't make the dance team, i shouldn't give up, this should make me work even harder to my dream, which i am going to do! And my elective i didn't want, i don't even know why i didn't want it. I have a whole hour to just relax and talk to my favorite teacher in the world! And yeah there is going to be drama, but learning from last year, i have to just bite my tongue and walk along. Last year, i stopped at every turn that leaded to drama. This year, I'm going to walk right past it and smile, like i never knew it was a possibility for me! There are going to be a lot more opportunities for me in my Freshman year! I am going to be in J.R.O.T.C! I cant wait. Training for the military is my dream! Marines Baby!!. There are going to be new faces. Like a new principal, which I'm kind of sad about but i love change. And there is going to be a new dance teacher, I am totally sad about that, but I'm glad i am going to be able to be her student in high school! And I'm excited about it at the same time because like i said i love change ad i want to know what else there is out there. New rules, higher expectations, and new goals for dance! I cant wait till next year now! I have decided to put school work before friends. I mean i always have, cause i get all A's and B's but this year, I'm am going to exceed! I have made everyone else proud the last few years and this year, i wanna make myself proud! That's all!